Water-reducing plasticizer
CHRYSO® Plast V70 is a plasticizer intended for the realization of fluid or self-compacting concretes and mortars.
Download technical data sheet Download FDSWater-reducing plasticizer
CHRYSO® Plast V70 is a plasticizer intended for the realization of fluid or self-compacting concretes and mortars.
Download technical data sheet Download FDSCHRYSO®Deco Wash delays the hydration of cement on the unglazed surface of concrete. In contact with fresh concrete, the emulsion breaks down allowing the
The oil phase to form a continuous and protective film, which resists rain and ensures the cure.
Thanks to the originality of its formula and its strong curing power, it is possible with CHRYSO®Deco Wash to widen the washing window from 24 hours to 48 hours, depending on the type of product.
regardless of the weather conditions. The absence of solvents in the formulation of CHRYSO®Deco Wash greatly facilitates its use: product in aqueous phase, non-flammable and with a pleasant odor, does not stain the surrounding materials even if unprotected,
rinsing the spraying and formwork equipment with water.
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