CHRYSO®Plast VPC is a plasticizer specially made for the manufacturing of dry molded concretes.
CHRYSO®Plast VPC improves production of specific elements produced using dry or semi dry concrete as blocks, paves, slabs and hollow/core beams.
CHRYSO®Plast VPC improves hydration of concrete increasing mechanical strengths but depending of type of cement or aggregates.
Download technical data sheet Download FDSCHRYSO PLAST VPC
CHRYSO®Plast VPC is a plasticizer specially made for the manufacturing of dry molded concretes.
CHRYSO®Plast VPC improves production of specific elements produced using dry or semi dry concrete as blocks, paves, slabs and hollow/core beams.
CHRYSO®Plast VPC improves hydration of concrete increasing mechanical strengths but depending of type of cement or aggregates.
Download technical data sheet Download FDSSuperplasticizer high water reducer
CHRYSO®Premia 570 is a new generation superplasticizer – high water reducer based on modified polycarboxylate. The product is based on the latest generation FILL FREE® technology.
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