New generation superplasticizer
CHRYSO®Optima 1000 is the new breakthrough from CHRYSO. Thistechnology is dedicated for the design of taylor-made superplasticizingsolutions for jobsite. Thanks to its specifically designed molecular structure,CHRYSO®Optima 1340 enables the concrete manufacturer to producecohesive, low viscous concrete with long workability retention.
CHRYSO®Optima 1340 provides concrete with a high workability, whilereducing the water/cement ratio. CHRYSO®Optima 1340 has been developedto maintain fresh concrete workability together with high early sterngth.CHRYSO®Optima 1340 is therefore an admixture which is particularly suitedfor jobsite and ready-mix industry.
Download Technical Data Sheet Download FDSNew generation superplasticizer
CHRYSO®Optima 1000 is the new breakthrough from CHRYSO. Thistechnology is dedicated for the design of taylor-made superplasticizingsolutions for jobsite. Thanks to its specifically designed molecular structure,CHRYSO®Optima 1340 enables the concrete manufacturer to producecohesive, low viscous concrete with long workability retention.
CHRYSO®Optima 1340 provides concrete with a high workability, whilereducing the water/cement ratio. CHRYSO®Optima 1340 has been developedto maintain fresh concrete workability together with high early sterngth.CHRYSO®Optima 1340 is therefore an admixture which is particularly suitedfor jobsite and ready-mix industry.
Download Technical Data Sheet Download FDSColouring
Range of dyes in aqueous dispersions (slurries) based on metal oxides, UV and weather resistant.
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